
The Startup Junkies Podcast

The Startup Junkies podcast is hosted by Jeff Amerine and the team at Startup Junkie. We’ll cover topics ranging from getting started, planning, growing your business, proving your concept, leadership, marketing, exit strategies and so much more. We’ll interview business owners, entrepreneurs, experts and people we think will bring value to our audience. Subscribe, and together we'll take your business to the next level.
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This is the Startup Junkies Podcast. These are the stories of the people that are afflicted with creating the next great products and services that are going to change lives - not just in America, but worldwide. We're going to tell the stories of the next great beer producer, products and apparel makers, and the stories of people that don't accept the status quo and that want to make things better. 

Welcome to the Startup Junkies Podcast.

Apr 15, 2024


On this episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Caleb Talley, Victoria Dickerson, and Harrison Kitson are joined by Scott Coffey, President and Founder of AccelePay, a platform that helps businesses turn accounts payable into profits. By capturing early payment discounts and utilizing an efficient payables process, AccelePay increases revenue while decreasing administrative costs. Additionally, cash flow and supplier relationships are strengthened, resulting in improved business performance.   

Scott is also the President at Exchange Capital, a factoring company that offers business clients extremely effective tools to assist owners and managers with the growth of and decision making for their business. Exchange Capital’s services provide clients with a more predictable cash flow while simultaneously eliminating the burden of accounts receivable billing and clerical work.

Throughout the episode, Scott shares his entrepreneurial journey and insights into the world of invoice factoring and early payment solutions. His expertise and unique perspectives offer valuable insights for entrepreneurs, business owners, and any individuals interested in exploring innovative financing strategies. Listen now and discover how these alternative financing models can help businesses unlock cash flow, scale operations, and foster better vendor relationships! 


Show Notes

(0:00) Introduction

(1:12) Scott Coffey’s Background

(2:24) Exchange Capital’s Origin Story

(5:57) An Explanation of Factoring and Its Impact

(10:23) About AccelePay and Its Timeline

(15:35) Accelepay’s Ideal Client

(24:06) Scott’s Relationship with His Dad

(26:50) Managing a Business Relationship with a Family Member

(29:03) COVID Challenges

(35:40) Advice to Younger Self

(37:54) Closing Question



Caleb Talley

Victoria Dickerson

Harrison Kitson

Startup Junkie

Scott Coffey


Exchange Capital

Apr 1, 2024


On this episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Caleb Talley, Jeff Amerine, and Harrison Kitson sit down with Randy Williamson, Senior SBA and Commercial Lender with Arkansas Federal Credit Union. AFCU is the largest credit union in Arkansas, boasting twenty-one branches with expansion plans already in the works. As a member-owned, tax exempt institute, it offers a full range of services that differ from traditional banks, and after sixty-eight years in service, Arkansas Federal Credit Union is approaching a 2.4 billion dollar footprint. AFCU aims to empower entrepreneurs through financial knowledge, putting them in the position to make educated business decisions.


Throughout the conversation, Randy dives into the important considerations and best practices for startups and small businesses seeking financing from lenders. He also shares insights on crafting a solid business plan, understanding industry benchmarks, seeking external guidance, and building relationships with lenders. Additionally, Randy emphasizes the importance of realistic financial projections, scalable pricing strategies, and retaining earnings for growth and resilience. The discussion highlights the value of candid feedback, market validation, and positioning your business idea for fundability, providing a roadmap for entrepreneurs navigating the lending process and increasing their chances of securing capital to fuel their ventures.


Show Notes

(0:50) Introducing Randy Williamson

(2:29) Credit Unions vs. Banks

(5:02) Advice for Startups to Become Bankable

(9:15) The Importance of Customer Discovery

(13:50) Running a Sensitivity Analysis

(17:18) Having a Good Relationship with Your Banker

(21:27) Accommodating to Digital Banking Trends

(26:26) The Do and Don’ts of a Business Plan

(31:56) Other Funding Alternatives

(39:40) Closing Question 



Caleb Talley

Jeff Amerine

Harrison Kitson

Randy Williamson

Arkansas Federal Credit Union

Mar 21, 2024


¡Bienvenidos al séptimo capítulo de Startup Junkies desde Costa Rica! En esta entrega, exploramos la fascinante historia de dos emprendedores locales que están dejando su marca en el mundo empresarial.

En la primera parte, nos adentramos en el colorido universo de las celebraciones con nuestra invitada especial, July Quiros, fundadora de Creaciones July. Descubre cómo July ha transformado su pasión por la creatividad en un próspero negocio, ofreciendo una amplia gama de artículos personalizados para fiestas, baby showers, quinceañeras y graduaciones. Desde ideas innovadoras hasta desafíos superados, July comparte su inspiradora historia y los secretos detrás del éxito de su empresa.

Luego, pasamos a la segunda parte del episodio, donde nos sumergimos en el mundo empresarial con Asdrubal Porras, propietario de Rapident. Desde sus modestos comienzos hasta convertirse en un referente en el sector, Asdrubal comparte sus experiencias, lecciones aprendidas y visión para el futuro. Descubre cómo ha superado obstáculos, identificado oportunidades y se ha mantenido resiliente en su camino hacia el éxito.

Sintoniza este episodio para obtener una dosis de inspiración, consejos prácticos y motivación para emprender tu propio camino hacia el éxito. ¡No te lo pierdas!


Show Notes

(00:20) Cuando empezaste tu negocio?

(00:30) ¿Qué te inspiró a comenzar esta aventura?

(00:56) ¿Cuales son sus productos?

(01:50) Producto más popular

(02:45) ¿Cuál es tu producto favorito para crear?

(03:47) Los desafíos de iniciar tu propio negocio

(05.25) ¿Dónde ves tu negocio dentro de 5 años?

(06:30) ¿Parte favorita de ser dueña de un negocio?

(06:48) Consejos del pasado

(09:18) La carga de trabajo

(10:26) Experiencia pasada

(10:54) ¿Qué consejo le darías a otras mujeres que quieran iniciar su propio negocio?

(15:05) Emprendedor desde pequeño

(17:10) Proyectos nuevos

(17:54) ¿Por qué emprender? 

(19:03) Pros y contras de ser emprendedora

(21:48) Consejos para emprendedores principiantes

(26:43) Regreso al pasado



Claudia Scott

July Quiros

Creaciones July

Asdrubal Porras




“Yo comencé cuando mi hermana estaba embarazada, que si hacerle las cositas para el baby shower.” - July Quiros (00:36)

“Hacemos decoraciones para fiestas infantiles, baby showers, XV años… Tacitas, arreglos, botellas.” - July Quiros (01:01)

“Lo más difícil para nosotros ha sido como la parte de salir a hacer las decoraciones por lo del transporte – No manejamos y no teníamos transporte propio.” - July Quiros (03:51)

“Nosotros tenemos como proyecto un poco meter cartel inserts, inflables, cuando comenzamos lo habíamos pensado y tal vez en un futro una tienda más grande.” - July Quiros (05:35)

“(El trabajo) Depende mucho a temporada, ahora que viene Enero entramos a la etapa de etiquetas escolares, botellas personalizadas – Ya luego llega el 14 de Febrero que es San Valentín que es un boom.” - July Quiros (09:31)

“Que sigan adelante, aunque cueste.” - July Quiros (11:11)

“Emprender no es fácil porque siempre va a haber obstáculos.” - July Quiros (11:19)

“El emprendedurismo lo inicie desde que era un niño porque con los pocos recursos que teníamos en ese entonces como familia - ya a la edad de los 7 años yo compraba plátanos, los maduraba y los iba a vender casa por casa.” - Asdrubal Porras (15:05)

“Cuando se era niño no se emprendía… O se hacía o se moría uno de hambre.” - Asdrubal Porras (18:06)

“En los años 80s y 90s era trabajador independiente” - Asdrubal Porras (18:24)

“El ser emprendedor o trabajador independiente te da un montón de facilidades y una independencia para actuar en cualquier momento, en cualquier área, en cualquier situación y tener una facilidad en los horarios para todo.” - Asdrubal Porras (19:20)

“Esto no es color de rosa siempre.” - Asdrubal Porras (22:13)

“No es solo creer en el negocio, es estar enamorado de lo que usted está haciendo.” - Asdrubal Porras (22:35)

Feb 15, 2024


En este sexto episodio de Startup Junkie en Español, nos sumergimos en el mundo culinario con las hermanas Laura y Sandra Carrasco, las mentes maestras detrás de Bites & Bowls, un restaurante que está conquistando el paladar del noroeste de Arkansas con sus exquisitos waffles. Descubre cómo estas emprendedoras convirtieron su pasión por la comida en un exitoso negocio, desafiando los obstáculos y encontrando inspiración en cada plato que sirven. 


Acompáñanos en esta deliciosa conversación, donde Laura y Sandra comparten sus experiencias, consejos y sabiduría para aquellos que sueñan con emprender en la industria gastronómica. Prepárate para abrir tu apetito y tu mente mientras nos sumergimos en un viaje lleno de sabor y emprendimiento. ¡No te lo pierdas!


Show Notes

(00:08) Bienvenido

(00:30) Presentación de Invitados

(00:59) De la Idea a la Realidad

(02:18) El Nacimiento de Un Menú

(03:07) De Dónde Eres

(03:45) Lo Que Ha Cambiado en El Noroeste de Arkansas

(06:03) Limitaciones Que Llevaron a Un Menú

(08:30) Necesidad Y Falta de Recursos

(09:00) Herramientas a Tu Disposición

(11:03) Menús de Temporada

(12:56) Obstáculos a Superar

(14:31) Errores Tempranos

(16:55) Un Acto de Equilibrio

(18:52) Conociendo a Su Cliente

(20:39) Listo Para la Expansión

(23:09) Proporcionando Ayuda

(25:33) Asesoramiento Emprendedor

(27:55) Técnicas de Venta

(36:55) Consejos Del Pasado

(38:50) Que Sigue



Claudia Scott

Ana Ortiz

Laura Carrasco

Sandra Carrasco

Bites & Bowls



“La idea siempre había estado ahí y empezamos a planear.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (01:14)

“(El Menú) Es cómo nosotros una fusión… un poquito de aquí, un poquito de allá.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (01:59)

“Laura es el 100% en el menú yo nada más lo pruebo y si me gusta le digo.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (02:51)

“En muchos aspectos es igual, trabajando todo el tiempo… Diferente, es que somos más.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (04:10)

“Antes de tener el negocio no es que éramos muy involucradas en la comunidad entonces es al comenzar el negocio que empezamos a explorar más, a conocer más gente.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (04:25)

“El menú nace porque al momento de nosotros comenzar no teníamos todo el fondo para comenzar con una cocina completa, entonces para ser posible ofrecer un desayuno que fuera completo y a la vez tradicional hasta cierto punto la conversación con la ciudad era así ¿cómo que equipo de cocina puedo utilizar?” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (06:09)

“Fácil no es y nos ha tomado bastante tiempo perfeccionarlo.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (07:57)

“Es la necesidad y la falta de recursos.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (08:45)

“Mas que nada es adaptación y como mexicanos o latinos en general siento que así somos... Como que le encontramos solución a cualquier problema.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (09:06)

“Cualquier obstáculo lo puedes superar con perseverancia.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (13:14)

“La mayoría de los errores los vas a cometer en los primero dos años.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (14:33)

“Los errores los tienes que cometer para aprender.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (15:05)

“Tenemos que acomodarnos a nuestras necesidades.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (17:09)

“Para restaurantes creo que la mayoría de las ganancias vienen de la cena porque es cuando la gente sale más.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (19:06)

“Comenzar un negocio es mucho trabajo, invertir para una renta no funciona para todos y usualmente cuando alguien me viene con una idea nunca decimos no… Siempre decimos vamos a intentarlo.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (23:56)

“Muchas veces es bueno decir que no, pero, cuando tienes una ilusión de empezar algo y que alguien venga y ni siquiera te quiera contar su historia y te diga no, no puedo, no tengo tiempo…. Si tienes el conocimiento ¿porque no compartirlo?” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (25:08)

“Siento que tienes que tener por lo menos una idea pequeña de lo que quieres hacer y experiencia.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (26:08)

“Tienes que saber vender.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (26:21)

“Y no es que tengas que ir a tocar a las casas y estar vendiendo, es como saber hacer confecciones, hacer relaciones públicas para dar a conocer tu negocio.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (27:36)

“Soñar en grande, pero empezar pequeño.” - Claudia Scott (32:57)

Jan 1, 2024


Welcome to another great episode of the Startup Junkie Podcast! In this live recorded special episode, hosts Jeff Amerine and Caleb Talley join Amy Herzberg and Bob Ford, the co-founders of TheatreSquared (T2), and Shannon Jones, the executive director, on the set of A Christmas Carol for a captivating discussion about TheatreSquared’s origin and mission. Since its founding in 2005, TheatreSquared’s locally produced and nationally acclaimed productions have remained rooted in its founding vision that “theatre done well and with passion can transform lives and communities.” Throughout the episode, Amy, Bob, and Shannon share how TheatreSquared has impacted Arkansas’s artistic landscape and how its reputation continues to blossom in the performing arts world.


Show Notes

(1:45) Introduction to Bob Ford and Amy Herzberg

(2:23) TheatreSquared’s Origin Story

(15:59) TheatreSquared’s Impact on Arkansas’s Artistic Landscape

(19:53) Attracting Talent from the University of Arkansas

(26:29) Introduction to Shannon Jones

(33:29) Catering To New Audiences

(36:37) How TheatreSquared Approaches Innovation

(40:37) Measuring TheatreSquared’s Success

(44:32) Questions from the Audience

(52:54) Advice to Younger Self

(56:09) Closing Question and Thoughts



Jeff Amerine 

Caleb Talley

Bob Ford

Amy Herzberg

Shannon Jones




“Having this theatre [in Northwest Arkansas] makes a real statement about how the arts are valued in this area, and that means a lot to people who are coming from all over the place to study at the University of Arkansas in its theatre department.” - Amy Herzberg, (20:05)

“I think one of the things that theatre does really well is it touches lives. Like you said, in our mission, it transforms communities. And the thing about T2 and the thing I think that we do really well, and I think we'll continue to expand upon, is making that human connection. And I think one thing that we use to help build upon what is already there is our ability to adapt.” - Shannon Jones, (33:52)

“When I see a young person say, ‘I've never seen me and my friends on stage before, I've never seen my story before. Thank you.’ That's how I measure [success]. That's what keeps me going, that to me is impact. We could fill this place, I guarantee, if we put on certain shows over and over again, and that would also look like a certain kind of success. But our goal is to do both because what we're discovering is that our community wants to see a full range of stories because, as we know, everybody's different, but also everybody's the same. But that's an amazing kind of conundrum.” - Bob Ford, (41:19)

Dec 21, 2023


En nuestro cuarto episodio, tenemos el honor de contar con la presencia de Olivia Barraza, directora ejecutiva de Latinas en Bici. Esta apasionada emprendedora comenzó su viaje en el mundo del ciclismo en 2016 y, al experimentar personalmente los impactantes cambios que esta actividad trajo a su vida, decidió compartir esa transformación con otras mujeres.

Acompáñanos para conocer más sobre el viaje personal de Olivia, las experiencias que la llevaron a fundar Latinas en Bici y cómo esta organización está haciendo una diferencia significativa en la vida de muchas mujeres. ¡Prepárate para ser inspirado y motivado en este episodio lleno de determinación y empoderamiento!


Show Notes

(00:10) Introducción a Olivia Barraza

(01:13) El Inicio de Las Latinas en Bici

(06:38) Un Viaje de Desarrollo Personal

(11:10) Desafíos de Iniciar Un Negocio

(13:24) Lo Que Hace Latinas en Bici

(15:35) La Misión de Latinas en Bici

(18:20) Aprendiendo de Tus Lecciones

(13:21) La Importancia de la Adaptabilidad

(22:37) Consejos Para Emprendedores

(25:36) El Futuro de Las Latinas en Bici



Claudia Scott

Ana Ortiz

Olivia Barraza

Latinas en Bici



“Latinas en Bici nació de este deseo de compartir una misión de empoderar a otras chicas a través de la bicicleta.” - Olivia Barraza (01:13)

“Yo siento que el inicio comenzó desde esa primera vez que empecé yo a ver los cambios cuando empecé a hacer bici y que me ayudo a transformar mi vida personal.” - Olivia Barraza (01:27)

“Empecé hacer yo bici en el 2016 y en el 2019 nació Latinas en bici.” - Olivia Barraza (01:52)

“Empezó con un deseo, con una energía con un propósito y con una fuerza interior.” - Olivia Barraza (02:26)

“Son pasos fundamentales para regístralo a nivel del estado.” - Olivia Barraza (03:41)

“Esto no es nada más un grupito es también una potencia a crea una comunidad latina.” - Olivia Barraza (04:36)

“Los primero tres años fue el enfoque a crecer el grupo, a community outreach pero ya ahora este año me he dado cuenta como Directora Ejecutiva necesito un desenvolvimiento personal, capacitarme para poder manejar y llevar esta organización.” - Olivia Barraza (06:12)

“Lo que es bien importante es saber hacia dónde voy… Tomar pasos hacia las metas que tengo como directora ejecutiva.” - Olivia Barraza (07:01)

“Todo empezó con un propósito de año nuevo, voy a comprarme una bicicleta.” - Olivia Barraza (09:15)

“El aprender andar en bici me llevo a salirme de mi zona de confort pero también a descubrir que había una comunidad.” - Olivia Barraza (10:13)

“El mayor reto, primero, la barrera del idioma.” - Olivia Barraza (11:43)

“Ese es el poder de la mujer latina.” - Olivia Barraza (12:52)

“Yo no traigo un background de ejecutiva, no tengo un background de corporación.” - Olivia Barraza (13:43)

“Ya estoy aquí, no puedo dar un paso para atrás.” - Olivia Barraza (14:22)

“Mas que todo el motor interno y el deseo de mejorar mi vida personal y decir sabes que yo no sé cómo le voy a hacer, pero le voy a dar ‘pa delante.” - Olivia Barraza (14:45)

“Nuestra misión es en el enfoque de mejorar el estado físico, social la mujer latina por medio de nuestros programas.” - Olivia Barraza (15:45)

“La lección es, no importa las barreras que hallan, si tú tienes ese enfoque, ese deseo de empezar tu negocio, de empezar tu non-profit, de empezar tu grupo… No quitar el dedo del renglón, las posibilidades son infinitas.” - Olivia Barraza (18:47)

“Para mi Latinas en Bici es mi misión, aquí en la vida, mi misión personal.” - Olivia Barraza (19:28)

“Somo una comunidad inmigrante que está creciendo aquí, y si, nos sentimos limitados a veces, intimidados.” - Olivia Barraza (21:11)

“Lo que yo recomiendo es primeramente que tengas bien definido que es lo que quieres… Que tengas ese deseo más que todo y esas ganas de superarte.” - Olivia Barraza (23:25)

“Definitivamente el ser estructurada esa es la clave.” - Olivia Barraza (26:10)

“Estamos allí para agarrar aquellas chicas de la mano y decirles: mira eres capaz de hacer esto y más.” - Olivia Barraza (27:11)

Oct 19, 2023


En nuestro segundo episodio del podcast Startup Junkies En Español tenemos como invitada a Jessica Sánchez. Jessica es propietaria de NWA Bilingual Solutions una compañía que se especialista en proveer servicios de traducción e interpretación a diferentes corporativos y organizaciones del área para beneficio de la comunidad. Fundada a finales del año 2020, NWA Bilingual Solutions también se dispone a concientizar a la comunidad de los derechos que la ley le otorga en cuanto a la interpretación en su idioma sin costo alguno se refiere. Jessica tomo experiencias vividas en su niñez y la convirtió en una compañía la cual está haciendo la diferencia en el Noroeste de Arkansas. 


Show Notes

(00:28) What is your company? How did it start? What was the need you saw?

(02:21) When did you launch the company?

(03:15) You saw the need and decided that you would do something about it. 

(05:54) Parents needing their kid’s help for translation & interpretation.

(07:47) From idea to business

(09:40) Who is Jessica Sánchez?

(11:46) No place to live.

(12:08) Cultural shock

(13:01) Learn English

(16:15) Give value to the service you offer.

(18:06) The importance or limits

(19:59) Linguistic access

(20:57) Where is the diversity?

(22:35) Where do you see your business in the next few years?

(26:10) Your kid is dead.



Jessica Sánchez 

NWA Bilingual Solutions

Claudia Scott

Ana Ortiz



“Como muchos que crecieron en este país que son padres de la primera generación en este país hemos estado interpretando por nuestros padres.” - Jessica Sánchez, (01:05)


“Esto fue un crecimiento gradual.” - Jessica Sánchez, (09:10)


“Yo soy Jessica y tengo ansiedad social.” - Jessica Sánchez, (09:56)


“Yo crecí en ese papel donde yo tenía que encargarme o ayudarles a mis papás de lo que fuera la necesidad de ellos.” - Jessica Sánchez, (10:19)


“Nos mudamos aquí (Arkansas) en el 2005 y otro cultural shock… Yo no entendía el inglés… ¿Qué es y’all? ¿Qué es esa palabra que utilizan en inglés?” - Jessica Sánchez, (12:12)


“Cuando mi mamá iba y les decía ‘spanish please’ o algo, no, la miraba horrible, la ignoraban, la hacían a un lado, entonces, he crecido mirando eso, he crecido mirando las diferencias y la discriminación que hay por el idioma que uno habla y como las personas nada más se lavan las manos diciendo ‘aprende inglés’ estamos aquí en los Estados Unidos y exactamente por eso porque estamos en los Estados Unidos en un lugar que es una mezcla de culturas que está basado en esto.” - Jessica Sánchez, (13:01)


“Uno tiene que darle valor al servicio que uno provee.” - Jessica Sánchez, (16:22)


“Culturalmente se nos ha enseñado una lealtad ciega a la familia.” - Jessica Sánchez, (18:45)


“Una de las cosas que más me encanta de tener mi propio negocio… Es que nadie me puede tapar la boca.” - Jessica Sánchez, (34:25)


“Tenemos que ser pacientes cuando estamos empezando nuestros propios negocios.” 
- Jessica Sánchez, (37:16)

Sep 11, 2023


On this episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Caleb Talley, Victoria Dickerson, and Claudia Scott sit down with Erin Campbell, co-founder of Gen Z Water. Erin joined the podcast last year after Gen Z Water won the People’s Choice Award at Startup Crawl 2022, and she’s back this week to share what she’s been up to since. Throughout the episode, Erin discusses the unique challenges of marketing water, how she found her ideal niche in the Gen Z market, and the benefits of taking risks as an entrepreneur.


Show Notes

(1:17) Introducing Erin Campbell and Her Origin Story

(6:47) Marketing Water

(12:39) Connecting with Gen Z Customers

(20:53) Leaning into Risk as a Startup

(26:28) Building to Sell

(31:10) What’s Erin up to Now?

(33:06) Advice to the Younger Self and Closing Thoughts



Caleb Talley

Victoria Dickerson

Claudia Scott

Erin Campbell 

GEN Z Water 



“With the insights and the data and the research that we did during the pandemic, it was incredibly clear that that fit, filthy-rich, famous brand imagery was a huge disconnect from the value system of the Gen Z generation, [and] much more inline with the aspirational millennial generation.” - Erin Campbell, (13:22) 

“It landed so well because I feel like we did it with such intention. There is a story, there is a reason, there is a strategy, there is a data point, there is an insight behind every decision that we made. So, to that risk point, they’re informed, and they’re educated risks. They’re not just careless; they’re very calculated, and we made sure that we had a reasonably data-informed argument that would justify that risk.” - Erin Campbell, (22:46)

“I don’t know if [my] younger self would have been ready to hear, ‘just take risks.’ I think she had to go through the whole process to get to where I am today.” - Erin Campbel, (34:29)


Sep 4, 2023


We're gearing up for Startup Crawl 2023! In this special episode of the Startup Junkies Podcast, we're revisiting the live show we recorded during Startup Crawl 2022. It's an evening of exciting startups, passionate entrepreneurs, incredible craft beer, and amazing live music. Tune in to get a taste of what you can expect at Startup Crawl 2023, happening Friday, September 8th from 5-9 pm at the Fayetteville Square! Get tickets at


Show Notes:

(0:46) All about Gen Z

(1:17) The Genesis behind Gen Z

(4:01) Reception from Buyers

(4:45) What’s Next for Gen Z?

(8:09) Background on Calvin Smith 

(12:54) A Metaphor for Entrepreneurship: Little Failures Lead to Greater Success

(16:12) What We Need from the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs 

(19:11) Advice to Younger Self

(20:51) Ronnie Brewer, Hero of Basketball

(21:10) Thoughts on the Startup Crawl

(22:57) Excellence in Athletics Translates to Entrepreneurship 

(25:11) Accept Nothing Less than the Best



Jeff Amerine

Erin Campbell

Bo Mo

Calvin Smith

Ronnie Brewer



“...I think in this culture of fast fashion, fast this, fast that, we can slow down and enjoy things and enjoy the smile that these bottles bring. And it's so unique because not a lot of products these days really are doing that.” - Bo Mo, (6:04)

“...What we need is the next generation of people coming up…to give back selflessly, without expecting anything in return and saying, ‘Hey, if I give back to this community, we're all better for it. I’m better for it.’” - Calvin Smith, (17:42)

“...The constraints that you have on yourself [are]…only in your mind. If you let that go, anything is possible and you can achieve anything. And we’re a prime example with the Razorbacks. But again, we're just scratching the surface. And that's motivation to people in the entrepreneurial world, and you can do anything, but don’t just settle for scratching the surface - keep on grinding, keep on getting better.” - Ronnie Brewer, (26:05)

Jul 10, 2023


On this episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Jeff Amerine, Caleb Talley, and Victoria Dickerson are joined by FR8relay co-founder and CEO Aayush Thakur. FR8relay is an Arkansas-based technology company working to create a more efficient, profitable, and sustainable trucking logistics ecosystem. With 70% of US freight being moved by trucks, core inefficiencies in traditional long-haul trucking operations threaten the industry’s future. Luckily, Aayush and FR8relay have a solution that can save companies money, decrease driver turnover, and create a more sustainable trucking future.


Show Notes

(0:54) Introducing Aayush Thakur and FR8relay

(1:24) Aayush’s Origin Story

(9:10) Issues with Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Vehicles

(13:40) FR8relay’s Solution

(16:12) Electric Semi-Trucks

(18:23) Leaving Memphis for Northwest Arkansas

(23:05) FR8relay’s Ideal Customer

(25:40) Cutting Down on Driver Churn

(28:46) Advice to the Younger Self and Closing Thoughts



Jeff Amerine

Caleb Talley

Victoria Dickerson

Aayush Thakur




“Yes, our model will work and enable everything to happen today, not [in] twenty years. You don’t have to burn any money. We are efficient. We can work with the same human people today.” - Aayush Thakur, (14:19) 

“Before coming [to Northwest Arkansas], we had raised $200,000…and then after coming [to Northwest Arkansas] and being connected to people, we were able to raise $1.3 million. That’s just the dollar figures. And you take that and then you see the number of connections we have made.” - Aayush Thakur, (20:38)

“We actually take a simple process and make it more complex. But by making it more complex, we see a lot of savings in that…We start with one shipment. We collect 10 of those, for example, and then we would run them through a blender, and then you will get smaller chunks of trips out of it, where it creates these little loops for each of the drivers to come back home, while each of the trailers is getting to the final destination.” - Aayush Thakur, (25:07)

“If you are trying to do forced PR where you say, we’ll do this for the driver, we’ll give them bonuses…those things are really great, and you should do that, but the main thing people are struggling with [on the road] is family. It’s that sense of belonging, a sense of fulfillment that is missing.” - Aayush Thakur, (26:44)

Jun 26, 2023


Welcome to another great episode of Startup Junkies!

On this episode, hosts Jeff Amerine, Caleb Talley, and Victoria Dickerson are joined by Josh Perry, founder of Lane Hero, a trip cost calculator app for drivers. Josh shares about his background being from a family of truck drivers as well as his passion for solving some of their everyday problems, like the pain point of calculating costs for a trip. He created Lane Hero to take some of the strain off the drivers so they can go back to doing what they do best: keeping America's economy running.


Show Notes:

(0:48) Introduction to Josh

(1:07) Josh’s Origin Story

(2:36) About Lane Hero

(6:42) Josh’s Background

(10:46) About the Lane Hero App

(23:29) Lane Hero’s Marketing Strategy

(26:27) What Success for Lane Hero Looks Like

(31:08) Advice to Younger Self

(32:11) Closing Question



Jeff Amerine

Caleb Talley

Victoria Dickerson

Josh Perry

Lane Hero



“At the end of the day, for the individual driver, and the owner operator model, which is seventy-eight percent of the entire freight movement in the United States, it provides such a value and eliminates such a burden of time on the accounting side and on the cost analysis side that [bigger player’s] opinions aren’t very valid.” - Josh Perry, (5:56)

“The service aspect of trucking is what I’m really attached to on both the customer side and on the driver side because if you focus on the people that are making your business run, whatever the case may be, you get so much additional benefit over the dollars. So that’s the feeling I pursue.” - Josh Perry, (7:50)

“Most people don’t understand that all the goods in this room are all transported by a truck. Same goes in any country you're talking about anywhere in the world. So the real vision and goal is to level the playing field and be the largest precursor to any economy anywhere in the world and have it in over fifty countries with over fifty thousand users in each country.” - Josh Perry, (26:38)

“It takes sacrifice. It takes putting in the time. I’ve sacrificed a lot of hours of time I could have been spending with my family in order to help families all across the world get more time with their dad or their mom or whoever that's out there driving a truck.” - Josh Perry, (30:26)

Jun 19, 2023


On this episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Jeff Amerine, Caleb Talley, and Victoria Dickerson are joined by Anthony Constantino, co-founder and CEO of Sticker Mule, the largest e-commerce website for custom stickers. Anthony is also the founder of Stimulus, a new social media platform intentionally designed to make people happy. Throughout the episode, Anthony shares about building Sticker Mule from the ground up, starting a new social media platform that doesn’t incentivize negativity, and becoming a professional boxer at forty years old. 


Show Notes

(0:36) Introducing Anthony and Sticker Mule

(4:40) Stimulus, a Different Type of Social Network

(10:22) Creating Businesses to Solve Problems

(12:03) Content Moderation

(15:07) Anthony’s Background

(17:49) How Stimulus Gathers Feedback

(20:36) How to Get Verified on Stimulus

(21:52) Stimulus’s Ideal User

(23:53) A Simple Formula to Succeed

(31:24) Stimulus’s Giveaway Program

(32:33) Mule Sauce

(34:16) Anthony’s Boxing Journey

(39:34) Advice to the Younger Self

(41:10) Closing Thoughts 



Jeff Amerine

Caleb Talley

Victoria Dickerson

Anthony Constantino

Sticker Mule  




Stimulus removes a lot of the negative design decisions that were embedded in Twitter and replaces them with more positive ones. We have a number of innovations that are unique to us, the biggest one being [that] we replace ads with integrated giveaways. So if you want attention, [the] number one tool to get attention on Stimulus is [to] run a giveaway. Everyone wants attention. That’s a positive tool to get attention, and it’s an easy tool to get attention.” - Anthony Constantino, (8:09)

I suspected that if people operated [on Stimulus] using their own identity, that would naturally push people in a more positive direction, and you wouldn’t have the negativity. I suspected a few things: If you remove the incentives to be nasty and introduce incentives to be more pleasant, you would naturally have a better community.” - Anthony Constantino, (12:34)

[We have] a simple formula that we use to succeed [that’s] basically: Make the experience incredibly good so that people that encounter us are highly likely to buy. So, you know, as an experience gets better, your ability to convert customers goes up. As your ability to convert customers increases, you can justify a large ad budget.” - Anthony Constantino, (26:11)


May 29, 2023


On this episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Jeff Amerine and Caleb Talley sit down with Josh Duntz and Tyler Dunbar of Metova and Central Standard Talent, respectively. With their Naval backgrounds, Josh and Tyler have a unique perspective on the business world. Throughout the episode, the crew discusses Central Standard and Metova’s expertise in identifying customer needs and developing digital products that align with business goals. They highlight the importance of tailoring technology solutions to meet the specific needs of each customer, and how this approach sets Central Standard and Metova apart from other tech agencies. They also comment on artificial intelligence, exploring whether these emerging technologies pose a threat to Central Standard and Metova, and whether AI can be as effective as humans.


Show Notes

(1:33) Introducing Josh and Tyler

(6:08) Josh’s Transition from the Military to the Civilian World

(9:20) Key Takeaways from Military Service

(15:42) Central Standard and Metova’s Connection

(21:01) Finding Talent without Paying Silicon Valley Prices

(23:35) The Threat of AI

(27:51) Looking at the Landscape of the Current Economy

(32:52) Advice to Their Younger Selves

(35:38) Tyler and Josh’s Naval Background

(39:23) Closing Thoughts



Jeff Amerine

Caleb Talley

Josh Duntz

Tyler Dunbar


Central Standard Talent    



“I approach leadership the same way in business now, where it’s like, I don’t care if you’re the lowest man on the totem pole or the CEO of the company. I believe that before decisions should be made, everyone should be able to voice their opinion.” - Josh Duntz, (13:19)

“Rule of thumb is we’ll save you 30-50% in cost. And for somebody who’s in any sort of startup, there’s another critical element to this. You also don’t have to give any of your company away to get really high-quality talent.” - Tyler Dunbar, (21:24)

“You have a certain mindset of what outsourcing looks like, right? And typically, for most people, it’s not high quality. So that’s a piece that looks really different for us. We focus on hiring people long-term—custom solution building for a team just for you. And [that allows] us to really focus on high-quality technical talent that is retained over time. So rather than fill fifty really low-level positions, we really try to focus on those senior and mid-level positions that establish and create value for years and years to come.” - Tyler Dunbar, (22:34)

“I think you still need humans to be effective, right? And there’s a difference between being effective and being efficient. I think that AI is probably really efficient, but like Josh was talking about, how effective is it without those little human elements of nuance in between?” - Tyler Dunbar, (26:34)


May 22, 2023


On this episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Jeff Amerine, Caleb Talley, and Grace Gill are joined by Fred Gustafson, operating partner of Wabi Capital and president of Louisville Vegan Jerky. Fred details how his entrepreneurial journey began with an online tuxedo rental startup that saw great success and an early exit. He shares about jumping into franchises without any prior experience, leading to—of all things—a brick-and-mortar shop for soap. Throughout his wild ride of entrepreneurship, Fred has learned the importance of being flexible and willing to learn something new. 


Show Notes

(1:01) Introducing Fred

(1:20) A Successful Exit with Menguin

(10:57) Working with Voxie and Buff City Soap

(23:08) Wabi Capital

(26:29) Louisville Vegan Jerky

(30:08) Marketing to Meat Eaters

(38:28) The Wabi Capital Name 

(40:35) Advice to the Younger Self

(43:24) Closing Thoughts



Jeff Amerine

Caleb Talley

Grace Gill

Fred Gustafson

Wabi Capital

Louisville Vegan Jerky    



“We started Wabi with our whole background being entrepreneurs and really not finance and investment people. And we felt like that was actually a strength for us…We’ve always kind of looked at business as—there’s a lot of strength in being an outsider to the industry you are going into.” - Fred Gustafson, (23:58)

“The challenge isn’t as much [convincing] more plant-based, vegans, and vegetarians to eat more of this stuff. It’s more so, how do you show the traditional meat eater that there is this healthy, better for you, more natural, less-processed alternative that also happens to not use any animal products, that can deliver more on the nutritional value, the taste, everything like that, as a way to supplement your diet.” - Fred Gustafson, (29:40)

“People still want an indulgence in their snack. They want stuff to taste good. They want that craveable deliciousness. And so we want to be that. We are that. We’ll always deliver big on flavor, but then also be this cleaner, whole food, vegan-based product.” - Fred Gustafson, (36:45)

May 8, 2023


Welcome to another great episode of Startup Junkies!


On this episode, hosts Caleb Talley and Jeff Amerine sit down with Rick West and Henry Ho, co-founders of Field Agent, where Rick serves as the CEO and Henry is the Chief Strategy Officer. Field Agent is a tech company built for winning at retail by connecting brands to shoppers across the country. This enables companies to capture in-store information, gather rich consumer insights, and drive product trials completely on demand. Throughout the show, Rick and Henry discuss the solutions Field Agent provides, how to improve interactions with customers, and how to create business ventures that are scalable and repeatable.


Show Notes:

(0:57) Introduction to Rick and Henry

(1:41) Field Agent’s Backstory

(9:33) About Field Agent

(14:18) Raising Outside Venture Capital

(18:56) What’s Next for Field Agent

(26:03) Interacting with Customers

(27:56) The Future Utilization of AI

(35:16) Scalability and Repeatability

(39:13) Northwest Arkansas’s Collaborative Ecosystem

(46:27) Advice to Younger Self

(49:57) Closing Question



Caleb Talley

Jeff Amerine

Rick West

Henry Ho

Field Agent



“We built this platform along with a crowdsourcing engine to help our clients understand store conditions like pricing product, distribution, merchandising, etc…We also created it so we would be able to gain everyday shopper insights into their shopping experience.” - Henry Ho, (10:19)


“We’ve created an opportunity or a marketplace for people to be able to come in and see items and actually purchase as opposed to talking to a bunch of different sales people from different companies to try and make something work.” - Rick West, (19:24)


“We think we have the secret sauce to have a services mentality, a sales led growth mentality, and taking the best of that and then productizing it to make it scalable and repeatable.” - Rick West, (35:37)


“I think one of the joys I have as an entrepreneur is not only are we pouring into business entrepreneurs, there’s a whole bunch of social entrepreneurs in Northwest Arkansas that are doing incredible things.” - Henry Ho, (44:51)

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