Welcome to the Startup Junkies Podcast!
Our hosts Jeff Amerine, Caleb Talley, and Davis McEntire, were joined by Carter Malloy and Michael Iseman of AcreTrader. AcreTrader's goal is to simplify farmland investment. It's no joke that the global population and, therefore, demand for food is proliferating, Carter and Michael believe in offering a truly diversified investment opportunity with long-term returns. Hear how this company is not only leveling up in asset acquisition but also a stellar company culture!
Thanks for joining us!
(1:03) Introducing Carter & Michael of AcreTrader
(5:07) From Listing to Sign-Ups
(7:49) Farm Styles Offered
(10:13) Due Diligence of Saying Yes or No
(15:53) Adapting to Challenges
(22:09) Evolution of Leadership from a Small to Large Team
(27:50) What Winning Looks Like
(30:45) Craziest Business Experience
(35:22)Advice to Younger Self
(37:18)Wrap Up
Jeff Amerine
Caleb Talley
Davis McEntire
Carter Malloy
Michael Iseman
"And as a result, we ended up having a great product. We have really great investments to come through and ultimately really great outcomes for those that we work with." (4:15) - Carter Malloy
"Within your team, the people who are closest to any particular interaction are going to understand it better than you. So trusting your team, trusting the process, and ultimately trusting the data very quickly, in this case proved out." (16:46) - Carter Malloy
"We work really hard, but we have a lot of fun too. We celebrate the wins and the milestones, and then everyone comes back and works harder to achieve the next one." (29:19) - Michael Iseman
This is the Startup Junkies Podcast, welcome back!
Episode 257 consisted of our hosts Jeff Amerine and Caleb Talley joined by special guest John Vuong. John is the founder and president of Local SEO Search. This Toronto-based Search Engine optimization company aims to aid business owners who desire to attain ready to buy customers on Google. Website engagement, call scheduling and heightened business are the goals and we got to sit with John and discuss how he got there and what the plan is for the future!
Thanks for tuning in!
(1:18) Introducing John Vuong of Local SEO Search
(4:10) Adversity & Work Ethic
(10:48) Passion for Small & Local Businesses
(12:11) Instilling Conviction into a Team
(13:30)How to Utilize SEO
(18:19) Biggest Challenges Along the Way
(21:36) Virtual Work & Cultural Nuances
(30:40)Advice to Younger Self
(32:57)Wrap Up
"In order to learn, you have to educate yourself and make mistakes." (10:42) - John Vuong
"Many of the entrepreneurs that are successful, whether they were there were immigrants or whether they're from here, if they've had a bit of a hard scrabbled start... that drive and that hunger is a little bit more there. I think there's maybe even more appreciation of how hard it really is to do well." (5:54) - Jeff Amerine
I think more business owners and founders, if they take a step back from that typical mythology, and they think about what they want to get out of it in terms of satisfaction and self-actualization, all those other things that really give you a sense of being and quality, peace of mind." (23:45) - Jeff Amerine
"I'm never happy because I feel like there's so much more I can learn and do and impact others." (28:52) John Vuong
Welcome back to the Startup Junkies Podcast!
Our team, Jeff Amerine, Caleb Talley, and Matthew Ward, were joined by Ryan Estes, co-founder of Kitcaster. Kitcaster is where podcasting and startup strategy meet.
Did podcasting actually save the world? Is Clubhouse going to run podcasting out of business? Check out this episode to see!
(1:02) Introducing Ryan Estes
(4:26) Kitcaster Business Model
(6:44) Podcasting Benefits
(9:27) Podcast Statistics From 2020-2021
(11:53) Clubhouse Vs. Podcasting
(20:28) Kitcaster Roadmap
(35:53)Advice to Younger Self
(36:58)Wrap Up
"My journey into entrepreneurship was just based on anger and resentment, ultimately. I had some terrible bosses that I was like, this can't be my life, this is going to be horrible." - Ryan Estes (2:06)
"I've kind of validated, launched, and killed many, many projects over the years. Looking for something that really resonated with me personally, and had the scale potential that made it worth my while." - Ryan Estes (3:22)
"Really with [entrepreneurship] it's like getting really honest with yourself. If you put 18 months into a project and it's not working, you gotta let it go. To be able to do that, that's a hard thing to do sometimes." - Ryan Estes (22:51)
"Maybe you lost contact with some of your friends, it's been three or four months-- So having podcasting, hearing other guys that are hanging out or having conversations… it's unbelievably important to kind of keep that loneliness at bay." - Ryan Estes (10:36)
"99% of your ideas are terrible... Spend a week putting together a terrible idea and then put it away. Then develop a terrible idea and then put it away. Get in the habit of killing ideas." - Ryan Estes (32:03)
Welcome back to the Startup Junkies Podcast! In this episode, Shelby Matussak joins our hosts Jeff Amerine, Caleb Talley and Davis McEntire to discuss his transition from unemployment to board game creator. From making a passion project into a business, the importance of face-to-face human interaction, and why asking for help is so hard as an entrepreneur; this episode is packed with helpful information. As founder of Dead Lemon Games and creator of the new board game hit Lonely Undead, Shelby's grit, optimism, and creativity inspired all of us here at Startup Junkie!
Thanks for tuning in!
(1:17) Introducing Shelby Matussak
(1:49) Introducing Dead Lemon Games & Lonely Undead
(5:52) Displacement of Unemployment
(12:59) Board Games & Pandemic Parameters
(15:53) Funding Dead Lemon Games
(18:36) Co-Founder Scott Forbush & Round Mountain Coffee
(23:55) Advice to first-time Creators
(26:43) Defining Future Success
(30:20) Advice to Younger Self
(32:30)Wrap Up
"I don't think there's any substitute for being in a physical space, with a number of people, and being set forth with a problem or an objective and having to work together to sort of accomplish a shared goal. Whether it be a friendly competition or it could be cooperatively. "(5:22)
"[On product feedback] And as a new entrepreneur, start small, start close to yourself, like, look at your friends, look at your family, see what resources you have… maybe you can figure out how to weave them into your process." (25:56)
Definitely don't take on everything yourself. Even if they're small tasks and you have friends that can help... if you do have to kind of crunch some numbers and outsource a couple of things to make and keep yourself sane, do that, that's way more important. (31:55)
Welcome to another episode of the Startup Junkies Podcast!
In this episode, Dr. Mark Goulston discusses navigating entrepreneurs' minds with Caleb Talley, Jeff Amerine, and Matthew Ward. Dr. Goulston is a Marshall Goldsmith’s 100 coaches member, a founding member of Newsweek Expert Forum, a former FBI and police hostage negotiation trainer, an acclaimed author and renowned psychiatrist.
Thanks for tuning in!
(0:52) Introducing Dr. Mark Goulston
(1:28) Psychiatry and Worldview
(8:38) Psychology and Product Creation
(11:10) Creating Workplace Culture
(19:07) Designed Thinking
(22:55) Journey of Dr. Goulston Working with Entrepreneurs
(33:50) Handling Conflict as Key to Relationships and Team Building
(39:28) Youth Mental Health & Failure to Launch
(43:12) Advice to Younger Self
(44:51) Wrap up
“A visionary thinker looks at the unknown as an adventure to be lived.” - (5:59) Dr. Mark Goulston
“What you have to realize is that people aren't just listening to you, they're listening for something. It's a different dynamic.” - (11:26) Dr. Mark Goulston
If everybody in the company wakes up and says, ‘I can't wait to go to work’, you have a good culture." - (16:52) Dr. Mark Goulston
“[Entrepreneurs] What we all have in common here is we're all unemployable.” - (23:23) Dr. Mark Goulston