Welcome to another episode of the Startup Junkies Podcast!
Thanks for tuning in! In this episode, Jeff Amerine and Caleb Tally talk with Michael W. Marra. Jeff and Caleb speak with Michael about his transition from civil engineer to now serial entrepreneur and investor. Michael is the CEO and founder of Entre: Social Network for the future of work and gives us all the details of that journey. You won’t want to miss what the advice this startup junkie has for you! Thanks for listening!
(1:06) Introducing Michael Marra
(1:27) From Civil Engineer to Serial Entrepreneur
(3:22) History of Entre
(6:12) From Social Media to Real Life Networking
(9:33) Revenue Model of Entre
(15:36) Entre Partnerships
(17:00) Community Scaling and Accessibility
(20:45) Outside Capital
(22:29) Value of Connectivity
(27:10) Building a Team
(31:42) Product PR vs. Personal PR
(34:17) Advice to Past Self
(37:32) Wrap Up
“...none of my friends were entrepreneurs, none of my family was, I was always looking for people to connect with. And that's when I started really building up this community of entrepreneurs, which led me down to building Entre.” (2:29)
"So we're more transitioning into being the platform and the vehicle that enables more connection and enables actually people to build their own communities in their own businesses." (9:06)
"Entrepreneurship is such a global thing now. And, I think there's a lot to be said for enabling connection cross countries as well." (18:28)
"I encourage every entrepreneur to do events... because without doing events at the beginning we never would have been able to do what we're doing right now... it led to all of our relationships." (21:47)
"...one connection can literally lead to an endless, endless possibilities." (29:55)
"Putting their name and their face on everything… if you do that, then the company's never going to be bigger than yourself." (33:33)
Once you can have clarity around who you are and that's in, who you are, is in line with what you do. That is the ultimate clarity. (36:03)