Elise Mitchell is the founder of Mitchell Communications and most recently the author of Leading Through the Turn, which details her story of how a journey mindset can help leaders find success.
In this episode, we learn how Elise took her interest and skill set and built it into an international strategic communications firm. We also discuss her brand-new book: Leading Through the Turn, which is available for pre-order and will officially launch January, 2017.
Learn more and buy the book here: www.elisemitchell.com
Jeff and Michael dive into the intricacies of Kickstarter, and the recent successful campaign that Michael and his business partner Jay Clark had for FML! The Game. You can find out more about their project by viewing the updates to their campaign, and look for games to be available early 2017.
Kickstarter: http://kck.st/2fdIBAL
Jeff is joined by Bob Pelley with Innovacorp, and Darren MacDonald from Cape Breton University. During Global Entrepreneurship Week they set up shop at the Navigate Startup House in Cape Breton - all the way in North Atlantic Canada. In this episode discuss the incredible work that is going on there to build the entrepreneurial ecosystem and share perspective on what it takes to lift up a region. Learn more about their organizations below. Enjoy!
Ashton McCombs and Jeff are both Naval Academy graduates who took a successful plunge into entrepreneurship. In this episode, Ashton shares stories about the path that led he and two colleagues to leave corporate careers and start Phigenics, a smart water management company in 2004. It has been over a decade, and Ashton shares stories, lessons learned and advice to future entrepreneurs.
We sit down with Jason and Justin to discuss retail technology and everything that the Skosay team has to offer. These entrepreneurs have been working and innovating in the CPG space for their entire adult lives, and have created a new product that is beginning to gain traction.
Find out more at:
In our final episode from the Tinkerfest at the Amazeum with co-host Jon Cadieux we speak with Adam Tobin and Sam Bell from the Chabot Space & Science Center.
This conversation covers Adam's two previous toy companies, the museum they run in the bay area, cycling, education, hiring, and even dumpster diving! This is a fun one!
Chabot Space & Science Center
In this episode Jeff is joined by Jon Cadieux and two fantastic guests. First is Carrie Beach, who is a veteran teacher at Washington Junior High in Bentonville. She runs the cardboard construction at the Tinkerfest, and created a Fab Lab in her classroom to help mold the creative minds of the students that she works with every day.
At 11:50 we shift to speak with London Kaye who hails from New York City. She got her start making elaborate street art out of yarn, and turned her passion into a profession, you can check out what she is working on now at:
With guest host, Jon Cadieux, Jeff talks with Joel Gordon of the Arkansas Innovation Hub, one of the founders of Tinkerfest. He shares stores of makers, maker faires, making, and education.
Find out more at: www.arhub.org
Our original co-host, Jon Cadieux rejoined the set this week with our guest, Sam Dean of the Scott Family Amazeum. We discuss the incredible children's museum in Northwest Arkansas and some other great initiatives like the Tinkerfest, and the local maker movement in Northwest Arkansas.
Discover more here:
Shannon Bedore joins us this week. We learn about her 20 year career in the retail world, a successful birthing center that she started and sold to a private equity group, and her most recent venture, Sightline Retail. Sightline optimizes the process of selling into major retailers for early stage product companies.
Learn more at www.sightlineretail.com
We had an on-site visit to Power Technology, Inc. in Little Rock, AR and learned about the new advancements coming in the theater world with the transition from bulbs to lasers.
Power Technology has been providing innovative laser solutions for over 40 years - they create military lasers, bioanalytical lasers, and other industrial applications.
Find out more:
Jeston George has been growing Apptegy for the past three years - what started in his living room is now occupying an entire floor of the Simmons building in Downtown Little Rock with nearly 50 employees.
Apptegy is a constant contract tool for any schools and their communities, and their user base is growing rapidly with over 200 districts signed up.
To learn more find them at www.apptegy.com or on linkedin: http://tinyurl.com/zkjvhmc
Arlton has been growing the Made by Few conference over the last five years, and will be holding the event in Northwest Arkansas for the first time on October 26-29. You can find more information about the conference, or register here:https://madebyfew.com/
The Made by Few vimeo account with recaps of former conferences: https://vimeo.com/workwithfew
Arlton referenced another podcast that he has found helpful, Burning Questions: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/burning-questions-podcast/id1123472466?mt=2
The books that he recommended were Startup Communities and War of Art:
This episode was recorded in Cape Breton, Canada at Breton Brewing just before the kickoff of Mentor Camp. www.mentorcamp.ca
The first group was the founding team from TrapTap, the world’s simplest traffic indicator, and they were incredibly successful on Kickstarter, raising $370K on Kickstarter and even more on Indiegogo.
Find out more: http://traptap.com/
April Dunford and Patrick Hankinson who were in town for the Mentor Camp joined to share their experiences. April has been involved with seven different startup companies and been through four exits. Patrick is 28 and working with his third early stage venture.
The last pair was from Halifax, Liz Gosselin and Robert Ore spoke on the upcoming mentor camp. Liz is the founder of Pivot, a Halifax based digital marketing agency: http://letspivot.com/
Robert Ore now runs an impact fund for a family office in the US. Four years ago he exited his last venture, Ocean Nutrition Canada.
Pardon the background noise. This episode was recorded at the Breton Brewery: http://bretonbrewing.ca/
Omar Kasim graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Sam M. Walton College of Business in three years. He balanced the decision of starting a restaurant that he had been contemplating launching, or going to Law School. The entrepreneurial track seemed more intriguing, and now one year later he has a successful fusion taco fast-casual restaurant in Fayetteville, AR and plans to expand the brand.
The Motivational Speech that Omar mentioned at the end: